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Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Review of Mentoring in Higher Education

Suleiman I. Sharif, Salma A. Bukhatwa, Khalid A. Mohamad, Hiba S. AlAroushi, Hassan A.S. Ali, Rubian S. Sharif

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Mentoring relationships between a senior, experienced faculty member and a junior employee, between a faculty member and an undergraduate or graduate student, or between a senior and a junior student is essential in higher education. The current review aims to emphasize the necessity of establishing organized mentorship programs at national institutions to enhance academic performance, teaching/learning effectiveness, knowledge and skill development, growth and development, research productivity, and community engagement. The mentor and mentee both benefit from the mentoring relationship. Academic advising, preceptor supervision, and supervision of graduation projects are different from the mentoring relationship as they focus on only one aspect of the relationship, whether it is the study plan, the study session, or the project, respectively.  Mentoring is a mutually beneficial relationship that calls for integrity, decency, self-assurance, trust, and respect. Educational institutes and colleges should set up a committee to establish a well-organized mentoring program with all the necessary templates for recruiting mentors and mentees, and also for annual evaluation and feedback from all parties involved.


Higher education, mentor, mentoring, relationship 


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