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Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Case report

Toenail fungal infection: a case report

Majedul Hoque

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Fungal infection of the nails (onychomycosis) is a common condition that is hard to cure. The fungus hidden in the nail is difficult to treat with antifungal medications, and infected nails take months to heal. Antifungal nail polish can occasionally be used to treat mild cases, but blood-stream-permeable medications are required to treat more serious infections. We need something better because even these are not always successful and can have negative side effects like skin rash or liver issues. Additionally, onycholysis (the separation of the nail plate) creates a moist environment that can encourage the growth of fungi. Moreover, immunosuppressive medication use may worsen onychomycosis. In this example, the diseased entity's clinical presentation in an adult patient was described.


Fungal, nail infection, toe 


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