Libyan International Conference for Health Sciences

The First Libyan International Conference for Health Sciences (Sept. 28 - 29, 2024): Open University, Tripoli, Libya
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Original article

Patterns of drug-prescribed and drug-related problems among hospitalized elderly patients

Mustafa A. Alssageer, Fathi M. Sherif, Esraa S. Mohammed, Soaad A. Abd Alsalm

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Prescribing drugs for elderly patients is not an easy task since elderly patients frequently have comorbid conditions. In Libya, there are no guidelines for the management of medications used in elderly patients and no specialized geriatric health institutions. This study aims to assess the pattern of medication use among hospitalized elderly patients in Sebha Medical Centre and the drug-related problems associated with these patterns. This report is a descriptive and retrospective cross-sectional study conducted at Sebha Medical Center in 2021. Potential drug-related problems were assessed based on the classification of Hepler and Strand. In this study, out of 195 participants, most patients have been given antibiotics (92.0%). The majority of patients have been prescribed anti-gastric agents, vitamins and anti-thrombotic agents which accounted for 75.0%, 62.0% and 55.0%, respectively. To a lesser extent, anti-hypertensive agents, analgesics and antihyperlipidemic were reported by 45.0%, 43.0% and 38.0%, respectively. Almost all the patients have at least one event of drug-related problem and more than three-quarters of the patients had more than one event of drug-related problems. The highest rate was untreated indications which were reported for 77.0% then followed by drug use without indication in nearly half of the events 48.0%. To fewer extent rates were reported: “in improper drug selection”, “drug interaction” and “adverse effects” which were reported for 25.0%, 23.0% and 18.0% of the total events, respectively. Almost all elderly patients have been prescribed antibiotics, analgesics and vitamins. Drug-related problems are predominantly prevalent in the clinical practice at the center. This study highlights the importance of activation of clinical pharmacist interventions at hospitals which can contribute to reducing the chance of risk of drug-related problems events among hospitalized elderly patients and ensuring rational drug prescribing in the geriatric clinical settings.


Drug related problem, elderly, hospitalized patient, pattern drug prescribing


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