Libyan International Conference for Health Sciences

The First Libyan International Conference for Health Sciences (Sept. 28 - 29, 2024): Open University, Tripoli, Libya
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences


Analysis of the association of vitamin D3, hemoglobin and ferritin with special respect to Libyan patients

Salsabil A. Ansari, Rana A. Boker, Mariam S. Alsaid, Roba F. Sherif, Fathi M. Sherif

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Anemia, iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia are common blood disorders. The role of vitamin D was agreed to be regulating calcium and phosphate absorption and bone metabolism and its deficiency is observed as a crucial nutritional problem. Vitamin D is created under the skin by ultraviolet light. It is usually getting vitamins from the food; however, in the case of vitamin D, there simply are not enough rich food sources for people to get adequate amounts in their diet. Its effects on the prevention of diseases such as cardiovascular disease and anemia have received much attention recently. To get sufficient vitamin D, need to be exposed to sunshine or use supplements. Vitamin D3 was found in the largest population as a deficiency. With regard to hemoglobin the subject who has a less normal range of hemoglobin (19.05%) than the international normal range, and in ferritin the low population number was the subject whom has less normal range of ferritin than WHO normal range. The population that has low ferritin also has low vitamin D3 and variable hemoglobin. According to international guidelines, optimizing nutrition with daily or intermittent (1 to 3 times per week) iron supplementation, should be considered a first-line intervention in high-risk or high-prevalence groups. Although it is probably less effective than daily iron supplementation, intermittent iron appears to be a useful and cost-effective way of controlling anemia and iron deficiency anemia. This may indicate a positive relation between the low concentration parameter of vitamin D3 and ferritin level but no significant correlation with hemoglobin.


Blood, ferritin, hemoglobin, Libya, vitamin D


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