Libyan International Conference for Health Sciences

The First Libyan International Conference for Health Sciences (Sept. 28 - 29, 2024): Open University, Tripoli, Libya
Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Mediterranean Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Original article

Prevalence of comorbidities, polypharmacy and drug-related problems among hospitalized patients with chronic kidney disease

Mustafa A. Alssageer, Manal M. Saad, Omkalthum M. Mosbah

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Chronic kidney disease is a public health problem affecting people worldwide. This study aimed to examine the characteristics of patients with chronic kidney disease and to identify the prevalence of drug-related problems among Libyan patients. This is a descriptive retrospective study in southern west part of Libya, Sebha City. Information abstraction forms were used for the collection of data. The investigators reviewed the medications, medical records and laboratory data to identify drug-related problems.1,000 patients' files during 2019-2020 were examined and only 120 were selected for this study. Most participants were male (73, 61.0%) and the mean age was 56.1 years. 576 comorbidities among the selected patients were identified (73, 61.0%) and the average number per patient was 4.8 concurrent diseases. There were 1 350 medications prescribed and the average of prescribed drugs per patient was 11.25. The majority of patients use more than 10 drugs (64, 53.3%) and the average length of stay in the hospital was 5.58 days. 502 drug-related problems were identified with an average of 4.18 per patient. Untreated conditions such as Hyponatremia and anemia were the highest rate of drug-related problems identified (199, 39.6%) followed by improper drug selection (82, 16.3%) such as cefotaxime, vancomycin and aminoglycoside for chronic kidney disease and drug use without indications such as antibiotics (68, 13.5%) and over-therapeutic dose such as metoclopramide (63, 12.5%). In conclusion, all the patients have polypharmacy and the majority have comorbid conditions and chronic kidney disease with frequent drug-related problems, thus, to lower the incidence rate of drug-related problems, therapeutic interventions are needed. Subsequently, it is crucial to involve clinical pharmacists in hospitals to improve the care of patients with chronic kidney disease.


Chronic kidney disease, comorbidities, drug-related problems, hospitalized patient, Libya


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